Read these 8 Prepared Meals and Meal Plans Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Prepared Food tips and hundreds of other topics.
Some prepared food companies emphasize that they do not use preservatives in the kitchen. A preservative is usually a chemical added to foods to inhibit spoilage. For keeping food fresh without preservatives, companies can use methods such as freezing and vacuum-sealing their meal packages. However, if the company uses an ingredient in its food that already includes a preservative then it does in fact get into the meal. Check with the company to find out if it uses any ingredients with preservatives if you are concerned about preservatives in your food.
If you have ordered several kinds of prepared meals, take note that you may not be able to cook them all at the same time. If the meals are all the same variety, they can likely be prepared at once. However, if you are preparing different varieties, some companies recommend preparing no more than two meals at a time. That is because preparation times vary from meal to meal and it can become a nightmare keeping track of all the cooking times.
According to Prepared Foods Magazine, Organic food is hot, hot, hot. Organic food is defined as food that has been produced without artificial fertilizers and that has not been subject to treatment with synthetic pesticides or growth promoters of any type, including hormones and antibiotics.
Sales of organic food increased 51 percent between 2002 and 2004. Currentlly 39 percent of the American population eats organic foods. Organic products are now available in 20,000 natural food stores and 73 percent of conventional grocery stores in North America. And sales continue to rise, though the jury is out as to whether organic foods actually taste better or have more nutrients. Studies on these matters are conflicting. For whatever reason, chefs know Americans are increasingly demanding organic goods.
There is no end to the organic foods available to you - in the form of meat, vegetables, fresh ground spices, trail mixes, real milk chocolates, candy, nuts, healthy snacks and more.
Just do a little research and you'll find the gourmet food company that will deliver organic prepared food to your door.
If you have a busy household with children and want to keep the kids' diets on track, consider pre-ordered meals for them as well.
The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies advises pre-ordered meals for children. This is because they help families stay on track and combat the negative food marketing targeted to children ages 12 and under that leads them to request and consume high-calorie, low-nutrient products.
If you're wondering how big of a portion you will receive by ordering a prepared meal, most companies say they give you enough to comfortably serve one adult. If you are not sure how comfortable you will actually be with that food amount, you may want to order an appetizer or soup in addition to your meal - just in case.
Many companies keep their food frozen until it comes to your door by keeping the meals tightly sealed in weatherproof coolers and kept frozen on dry ice. Ask the company you are ordering from if this is their method and if not what is. If you have reason to suspect the food is not fully frozen when it arrives, do not eat the food. Instead call the company and explain what you have found. It will likely allow you to return it for a properly packaged meal.
If you are planning on ordering gourmet prepared food, keep in mind that items have different "best if used by" dates. Some companies will tell you to expect good quality for at least six months. A good rule of thumb is to use the food as soon as possible to receive the highest possible quality.
If you've ever tried to lose weight by following a meal plan, you know how difficult it can be. Grocery shopping for ingredients that you'll never use again, taking time to prepare food from the meal plan, preparing your own meals after you've already prepared meals for your family - these are just a few of the inconveniences you've experienced. A few select dining services companies have found a way to make it easier to stick to healthy meal plans. They allow you to order prepared meals online and have them delivered to your door. The prepared meals are kept in the freezer and heated when you need them. Your prepared dinner includes the right number of calories in the right proportion so that you can stop worrying about food. Great prepared meal companies even include a dessert in prepared quantity so you won't feel deprived.
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